How I Cracked Infosys | 9 LPA+ | Full Roadmap to Crack Infosys | InfyTQ 2024

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Hey there, future Infosys rockstar! 👋 I’m thrilled to share my journey of cracking Infosys with a 9 LPA+ offer through the InfyTQ 2024 process. If you’re dreaming of joining one of India’s top IT companies, you’re in the right place. Grab a cup of coffee, get comfy, and let’s dive into my experience and the roadmap that led me to success.

My Infosys Journey: From Aspirant to Employee

The Beginning: Why Infosys?

Before I jump into the nitty-gritty details, let me tell you why I set my sights on Infosys. As a fresh graduate, I was looking for a company that could offer:

  • Excellent learning opportunities
  • A global work environment
  • Competitive salary package
  • Strong career growth prospects

Infosys ticked all these boxes and more. With its reputation as a leader in the IT industry and its commitment to nurturing talent, I knew it was the perfect launchpad for my career.

The InfyTQ Platform: My Gateway to Success

When I discovered the InfyTQ platform, I realized it was a game-changer. This innovative initiative by Infosys is designed to help engineering students prepare for a career in the IT industry. Here’s what made InfyTQ my secret weapon:

  • Free access to learning resources
  • Self-paced courses covering essential technical skills
  • Practice problems to sharpen coding abilities
  • Mock tests to familiarize myself with the selection process

I’ll dive deeper into how I leveraged InfyTQ later in this post, so stay tuned.

The Infosys Selection Process: Breaking It Down

Now, let’s get into the meat of the matter. The Infosys selection process for InfyTQ 2024 consisted of several stages, each designed to test different aspects of a candidate’s abilities. Here’s a breakdown of what I faced:

  1. Online Test
  2. Technical Interview
  3. HR Interview

Stage 1: The Online Test – My First Hurdle

The online test was my first real challenge. It consisted of three sections:

  1. Logical Reasoning
  2. Verbal Ability
  3. Programming

Here’s how I tackled each section:

Logical Reasoning

This section tested my ability to think critically and solve problems. I encountered questions on:

  • Puzzles
  • Data interpretation
  • Syllogisms
  • Coding-decoding

My Strategy: I devoted 30 minutes daily to solving puzzles and logical reasoning questions. Websites like IndiaBix and became my go-to resources.

Verbal Ability

This part evaluated my command over the English language. It included:

  • Reading comprehension
  • Sentence completion
  • Error spotting
  • Vocabulary

My Approach: I made it a habit to read English newspapers and articles daily. I also used apps like Magoosh and Vocab Builder to improve my vocabulary.


This was the make-or-break section for me. It tested my coding skills through:

  • Multiple choice questions on programming concepts
  • Coding problems to be solved within a time limit

My Game Plan: I focused on strengthening my fundamentals in data structures and algorithms. LeetCode, HackerRank, and of course, InfyTQ became my training grounds.

Stage 2: Technical Interview – Proving My Worth

After clearing the online test, I faced the technical interview. This was my chance to showcase my knowledge and problem-solving skills. Here’s what I experienced:

  • Questions on my favorite programming language (I chose Python)
  • Discussions about projects mentioned in my resume
  • Problem-solving scenarios related to data structures and algorithms
  • Basic questions on database management and operating systems

How I Prepared: I created a small booklet summarizing key concepts in my preferred programming language, data structures, and algorithms. I also practiced explaining my projects concisely and confidently.

Stage 3: HR Interview – The Final Frontier

The HR interview was my last step towards securing that coveted offer letter. It focused on:

  • My background and family
  • My understanding of Infosys and the IT industry
  • My career goals and aspirations
  • Situational and behavioral questions

My Strategy: I researched Infosys thoroughly, prepared answers to common HR questions, and practiced mock interviews with friends and mentors.

How I Cracked Infosys | 9 LPA+ | Full Roadmap to Crack Infosys | InfyTQ 2024

My 9-Step Roadmap to Crack Infosys

Now that you have an overview of the process, let me share the roadmap that led me to success. Follow these steps, and you’ll be well on your way to joining the Infosys family.

Step 1: Start Early and Stay Consistent

I began my preparation a year before the InfyTQ process kicked off. This gave me ample time to build a strong foundation and refine my skills. Remember, consistency is key. I made sure to dedicate at least 2-3 hours every day to my preparation.

Pro Tip: Create a study schedule and stick to it. Use apps like Forest or Todoist to stay focused and track your progress.

Step 2: Master the Basics of Programming

No matter which programming language you choose (I went with Python), make sure you have a solid grasp of the fundamentals. This includes:

  • Variables and data types
  • Control structures (if-else, loops)
  • Functions and modules
  • Object-oriented programming concepts

Resources I Used:

  • official documentation
  • “Python Crash Course” by Eric Matthes
  • FreeCodeCamp’s Python tutorials on YouTube

Step 3: Dive Deep into Data Structures and Algorithms

This is where the real challenge begins. I spent a significant portion of my preparation time mastering various data structures and algorithms. Here’s what I focused on:

  • Arrays and strings
  • Linked lists
  • Stacks and queues
  • Trees and graphs
  • Sorting and searching algorithms
  • Dynamic programming

My Go-To Resources:

  • “Introduction to Algorithms” by Cormen, Leiserson, Rivest, and Stein
  • GeeksforGeeks website for practice problems
  • YouTube channels like mycodeschool and Abdul Bari

Step 4: Practice, Practice, Practice

Solving coding problems regularly was crucial to my success. I set a goal to solve at least 3-5 problems daily. Here’s how I structured my practice:

  • Easy problems: 1-2 per day
  • Medium problems: 2-3 per day
  • Hard problems: 1 per week (to challenge myself)

Platforms I Used:

  • LeetCode
  • HackerRank
  • CodeChef
  • InfyTQ practice problems

Step 5: Strengthen Your Logical Reasoning Skills

Logical reasoning is not just about solving puzzles; it’s about developing a structured approach to problem-solving. I improved my skills by:

  • Solving sudoku puzzles
  • Playing chess (great for strategic thinking!)
  • Attempting cryptic crosswords
  • Practicing questions from previous year papers

Helpful Resources:

  • for interactive puzzles
  • “Puzzle Baron’s Logic Puzzles” book
  • IndiaBix for a wide variety of logical reasoning questions

Step 6: Boost Your Verbal Ability

As a non-native English speaker, I had to put extra effort into this area. Here’s what worked for me:

  • Reading English news articles daily (I used the BBC and The Guardian)
  • Listening to English podcasts (TED Radio Hour was my favorite)
  • Participating in online forums to improve my writing skills
  • Using vocabulary apps like Magoosh and Quizlet

Additional Tip: Watch English movies and TV shows with subtitles. It’s a fun way to improve your language skills!

Step 7: Leverage the InfyTQ Platform

InfyTQ was my secret weapon in cracking Infosys. I made the most of it by:

  • Completing all available courses
  • Attempting every practice problem
  • Participating in coding contests
  • Taking mock tests to familiarize myself with the exam pattern

Pro Tip: Form a study group with fellow InfyTQ users. Discussing problems and sharing knowledge can significantly boost your learning.

Step 8: Build Projects to Showcase Your Skills

While preparing for Infosys, I also worked on a couple of personal projects. This not only helped me apply my knowledge but also gave me something concrete to discuss during the interviews. My projects included:

  1. A simple weather app using Python and APIs
  2. A basic e-commerce website using Django

Why This Matters: Projects demonstrate your ability to apply theoretical knowledge to real-world problems. They also show initiative and passion for programming.

Step 9: Prepare for the Interviews

As the D-day approached, I shifted my focus to interview preparation. Here’s what I did:

  • Created a one-page resume highlighting my skills and projects
  • Prepared a 2-minute self-introduction
  • Practiced common interview questions with friends
  • Researched Infosys thoroughly (history, recent news, technologies they work with)

Interview Resources I Used:

  • Glassdoor for company-specific interview questions
  • “Cracking the Coding Interview” by Gayle Laakmann McDowell
  • Mock interview sessions on

The Final Stretch: My Interview Experience

After months of preparation, the day of reckoning arrived. I want to share my interview experience to give you a taste of what to expect.

Technical Interview

The technical interview lasted about 45 minutes. Here’s a rundown of what I faced:

  1. Introduction: The interviewer asked me to introduce myself and talk about my projects.
  2. Coding Question: I was asked to write a program to reverse a linked list. Thankfully, I had practiced this problem multiple times!
  3. Concept Discussion: We delved into topics like time complexity, space complexity, and the differences between various sorting algorithms.
  4. Project Deep Dive: The interviewer asked detailed questions about my weather app project, including how I handled API calls and error scenarios.
  5. Rapid Fire Round: Quick questions on Python concepts, OOPS, and database basics.

Key Takeaway: Stay calm, think out loud, and don’t be afraid to ask for clarifications if you’re unsure about a question.

HR Interview

The HR interview was more relaxed but equally important. It lasted about 30 minutes and covered:

  1. My family background and education
  2. Why I chose Infosys
  3. My understanding of the IT industry
  4. Where I see myself in 5 years
  5. A situational question: “How would you handle a disagreement with a team member?”

Pro Tip: Be honest, show enthusiasm, and align your answers with Infosys’ values and culture.

Receiving My Offer

A week after the interviews, I received the email I had been dreaming of – an offer letter from Infosys with a package of 9 LPA+. The feeling was indescribable – a mix of joy, pride, and relief.

Lessons Learned and Tips for Future Aspirants

As I wrap up my story, I want to share some key lessons and tips that I believe made a difference in my journey:

  1. Start Early: Give yourself enough time to prepare thoroughly. Last-minute cramming won’t cut it.
  2. Consistency is Key: Regular practice, even if it’s just for an hour a day, yields better results than sporadic intense sessions.
  3. Focus on Fundamentals: Strong basics in programming and data structures will take you far.
  4. Utilize Free Resources: Platforms like InfyTQ, LeetCode, and YouTube tutorials are goldmines of knowledge.
  5. Practice Mock Tests: Familiarize yourself with the exam pattern and time management.
  6. Build Projects: They enhance your learning and give you an edge in interviews.
  7. Stay Updated: Keep an eye on Infosys news and the latest trends in the IT industry.
  8. Develop Soft Skills: Communication and problem-solving abilities are as important as technical skills.
  9. Take Care of Yourself: Don’t neglect your health. Regular exercise and adequate sleep boost your productivity.


Cracking Infosys with a 9 LPA+ offer was a dream come true for me, and I’m confident that you can achieve it too. Remember, the journey is as important as the destination. Enjoy the process of learning and growing.

As you embark on your own Infosys InfyTQ journey, keep this roadmap handy, stay motivated, and believe in yourself. The InfyTQ platform is a powerful tool – make the most of it.

I’m rooting for your success. If you have any questions or need advice, feel free to drop a comment below. Let’s build a community of Infosys aspirants supporting each other.

Here’s to your success story – may you soon be writing your own “How I Cracked Infosys” blog post! Good luck, and happy coding. 🚀💻

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