Top 10 Best Database For Web Applications to Use in 2024

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Hey there. If you’re anything like me, you’re always on the lookout for tools that give you maximum flexibility without breaking the bank. When it comes to web applications, the database is the heart of the operation, pumping data throughout your digital creation. And while there are tons of choices out there, I’ve always been a big fan of open source databases.

Why? Well, they offer this awesome combination of power, customization, and affordability that’s hard to beat. Plus, you get the added benefit of knowing you’re not locked into any proprietary systems – you’re free to tinker, tweak, and adapt to your heart’s content!

In this post, I’m going to take you on a friendly tour of the world of open source databases. We’ll explore what makes them so special, dive into the pros and cons of some popular choices, and I’ll even give you some tips on how to pick the perfect one for your next web app project.

Why Open Source Databases Rock for Web Apps

So, what makes these open source databases so cool for web development, anyway? Here’s the lowdown:

  • You’re the Boss of Your Data: Open source means you get full access to the code. That translates to ultimate control over how your data is stored, managed, and accessed. No black boxes, no hidden limitations – just pure, transparent power.
  • Build It Your Way: Think of it like having a set of LEGO bricks. You can use the basic building blocks of the open source database to create a structure that perfectly matches your web app’s needs. Want to customize features? Go for it! Need a unique data model? You got it!
  • Community is King:The highly involved and supportive community inside the open source world is one of its greatest features. To solve any problems and get knowledge from other developers, there is an abundance of documentation, forums, and internet resources available.
  • Scalability Without the Price Tag:Your web application’s database must expand with it. Since open source databases are often designed to be scalable, you may manage growing user numbers and data volumes without having to pay a high fee.

Best open source DBMS for web applications

Now, let’s roll up our sleeves and get into the nitty-gritty. Here are some of the most popular open source database management systems (DBMS) that you might want to consider for your web apps, along with their strengths and potential drawbacks:

MySQL: The Old Faithful

MySQL is like the veteran of the open source database world. It’s been around for decades and has a massive user base, which means you’ll find tons of support and resources. It’s known for its reliability, speed, and ease of use, making it a great choice for a wide range of web apps.

MySQL Database


  • Solid and Reliable: MySQL is a proven workhorse, battle-tested by countless websites and applications over the years.
  • Fast and Efficient: It’s optimized for performance, delivering quick query responses and efficient data handling.
  • Easy to Learn: There are a lot of online courses and material accessible, so there isn’t much of a learning curve.
  • Widely Supported: Most web hosting providers offer MySQL support, making it super convenient to integrate.


  • Can Struggle with Huge Databases: While MySQL handles most web app workloads with ease, it might start to show some strain with extremely large databases.
  • Debugging Could Be Smoother: Some developers find the debugging tools in MySQL to be a bit less refined compared to other options.
  • Occasional Data Corruption: While rare, there have been instances of data corruption reported with MySQL, so it’s something to keep in mind.

MariaDB: The MySQL Alternative

Think of MariaDB as the rebellious cousin of MySQL. It was created by one of the original MySQL founders and aims to be a drop-in replacement with enhanced performance and features.


  • MySQL Compatible: If you’re already familiar with MySQL, you’ll feel right at home with MariaDB. The transition is seamless.
  • Speed Demon: MariaDB boasts improved speed and efficiency compared to MySQL, thanks to its use of the Aria storage engine.
  • Flexible Features: It offers dynamic rows and specialized storage engines for distributed storage and transactions, adding extra versatility.


  • One-Way Compatibility: While you can easily move from MySQL to MariaDB, going back is a bit trickier. You’ll need to stick with your choice.
  • MySQL’s Shadow: MariaDB often gets overshadowed by its more famous relative, MySQL, even though it offers some performance advantages.

PostgreSQL: The Data Science Darling

PostgreSQL steps away from the MySQL lineage and takes a more sophisticated approach. It’s known for its robustness, advanced features, and strong support for data science languages like Python and Ruby.


  • Feature-Packed: PostgreSQL is loaded with cool features like asynchronous replication, JSON document storage, key-value storage, full-text search, and unique data types.
  • Data Science Powerhouse: If you’re working with data science, AI, or graphing applications, PostgreSQL is your best friend.
  • Open Source Flexibility: Like all open source databases, PostgreSQL allows for deep customization to fit your specific needs.


  • Not Ideal for Read-Heavy Tasks: If you need to create reports from huge datasets, PostgreSQL’s document storage type may not be the ideal option for applications that demand a lot of read operations.

Redis: The Caching Champion

Redis takes a different path altogether. It’s not your typical relational database – it’s all about key-value pairs and blazing-fast performance. It’s the go-to choice for caching, message queuing, and real-time data handling.


  • Speedster: Redis is incredibly fast because it operates entirely in memory (RAM), making it perfect for caching and applications that demand instant responses.
  • Simplicity Reigns: Learning Redis is a breeze, and you can start storing data in minutes.
  • Caching Made Easy: Redis’s support for key-value pairs and expiry times makes it ideal for implementing efficient caching mechanisms in your web apps.
  • Pub/Sub Power: Redis’s Pub/Sub feature allows you to create a messaging buffer between senders and receivers, enhancing real-time communication.


  • Not a Standalone Solution: Redis shines in caching and real-time data handling, but it’s not meant to replace a primary database like MySQL or MariaDB. You’ll likely use it in conjunction with another database.
  • Limited Complexity: Redis is great for simple data structures, but it might not be the best fit for applications that require complex data relationships or advanced querying capabilities.

SQLite: The Tiny Titan

As the name suggests, SQLite is all about keeping things lightweight and simple. It’s a compact database engine that lives in a single file, making it ideal for mobile apps, embedded systems, and websites with low traffic.


  • Featherweight Champion: SQLite is incredibly lightweight, requiring minimal resources and storage space.
  • Zero Configuration: It’s super easy to set up – just drop the SQLite file wherever you need it, and you’re good to go.
  • Surprisingly Powerful: Despite its size, SQLite can handle databases up to hundreds of terabytes in size, proving that size isn’t everything.


  • Not for High-Traffic Sites: SQLite’s performance might not be up to par for websites with heavy traffic or complex data interactions.
  • Limited Querying: You can’t query SQLite databases using a client like you would with MySQL or MariaDB, which might limit its flexibility for certain applications.

Neo4j: The Graph Database Guru

Neo4j breaks away from the traditional relational model and embraces the world of graph databases. It’s all about representing data as nodes and relationships, which is perfect for social networks, recommendation engines, and other applications where connections matter.


  • Master of Connections: Neo4j excels at managing and analyzing complex relationships between data points, making it ideal for social networks, recommendation systems, and knowledge graphs.
  • Unique Query Language: It uses a dedicated query language called Cypher, specifically designed for graph traversal and data manipulation.


  • Performance Hiccups: Graph databases can be resource-intensive, and Neo4j’s performance might suffer in certain scenarios, especially with large datasets and complex queries.

OrientDB: The Multi-Model Marvel

OrientDB is like the Swiss Army knife of databases. It’s a multi-model database that can handle graph data, document data, key-value pairs, and even object-oriented data. This versatility makes it a good fit for a wide range of applications.


  • Flexibility is Key: OrientDB gives you the freedom to choose the data model that best suits your application’s needs, making it highly adaptable.
  • Scalability and Performance: It’s designed for scalability and aims to deliver fast query responses, making it suitable for demanding web applications.


  • Complexity Can Be Daunting: Managing a multi-model database can be complex, and mastering all of OrientDB’s features might require a steeper learning curve.

CouchDB: The Offline-First Dynamo

CouchDB is built for reliability and offline tolerance. It’s a document-oriented database that replicates data across multiple nodes, ensuring that your data is always available, even if some nodes go offline.


  • Offline Champion: CouchDB’s distributed architecture makes it perfect for applications that need to operate offline or in unreliable network conditions.
  • Reliable Replication: It automatically synchronizes data between nodes, ensuring data consistency and preventing data loss.


  • Storage Overhead: The replication process can lead to larger storage requirements due to redundant data copies.
  • Slower Write Speeds: Writing data to CouchDB can be slower compared to other databases, as it needs to update multiple nodes.

FirebirdSQL: The Hidden Gem

FirebirdSQL is a lesser-known relational database that packs a punch despite its smaller footprint. It’s known for its performance, small installation size, and cross-platform compatibility.


  • Lightweight and Efficient: FirebirdSQL is a great choice for applications where storage space or server resources are limited.
  • Cross-Platform Compatibility: It runs smoothly on various operating systems, making it highly portable.
  • Full-Featured SQL Database: It offers all the core features you’d expect from a relational database, including ACID compliance and SQL compatibility.


  • Smaller Community: FirebirdSQL has a smaller community compared to giants like MySQL or PostgreSQL, which might make finding support a bit more challenging.

BigchainDB: The Blockchain Fusion

BigchainDB adopts a unique strategy by combining distributed databases with blockchain technologies. It is perfect for applications that need immutability, transparency, and increased security because of this combination.


  • Immutable Records: Blockchain technology ensures that data stored in BigchainDB is tamper-proof, providing a high level of trust and auditability.
  • Decentralized Control: Data is distributed across multiple nodes, reducing the risk of single points of failure and enhancing data resilience.


  • Niche Use Cases: BigchainDB’s strengths are best suited for applications that prioritize data immutability and security, such as supply chain tracking, digital identity management, or intellectual property protection.

Choosing the Right Open Source Database: A Decision-Making Roadmap

With so many great open source databases to choose from, how do you pick the perfect one for your web app? Here’s a roadmap to help you navigate the decision-making process:

Know Your App’s Needs:

  • Data Structure: Do you need a structured relational model with tables and rows, or would a more flexible document-oriented approach work better?
  • Scalability: How much data do you expect to store? Will your application experience high traffic volumes?
  • Performance: What level of performance do you require? Does your application demand real-time responses, or are some delays acceptable?
  • Specific Features: Are there any specific features you need, such as full-text search, JSON support, or geospatial data handling?

Explore Community Support:

  • Active Development: Is the database actively maintained and updated?
  • Documentation and Resources: How easy is it to find tutorials, documentation, and online support?
  • Community Size and Engagement: Is there a large and active community of developers using the database?

Consider Hosting Options:

  • Self-Hosting: Do you have the resources to manage your own database server?
  • Cloud Hosting: Would a cloud-based solution like AWS, Google Cloud, or Azure be a better fit?
  • Managed Database Services: Are there any managed services that simplify database administration and maintenance?

Test and Experiment:

  • Try Before You Buy: Most open source databases offer free versions or trials that allow you to test them out in a development environment.
  • Experiment with Different Options: Don’t be afraid to try out a few different databases to see which one feels most comfortable and meets your project’s requirements.


A good web application begins with carefully selecting the database. You may choose wisely and unleash your creative potential by carefully weighing your alternatives and taking into account the advantages and disadvantages of each database.

Remember, the beauty of the open source world is the freedom to experiment, customize, and learn. Don’t be afraid to dive in, explore different options, and find the database that unlocks the full potential of your web app ideas.

Happy coding.

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